Click the "New OAuth App" button to bring up the following form.
The default callback URL will be /cbsso/auth/:providerName. If you set a name for your provider it will be used in the URL. If your provider name is "foo" your URL for that provider workflow will be ""
Notice that the authorization callback URL is often case sensitive!
Gather Client Credentials
Once your app is registered you will see a screen with your client credentials. You need to get the provided client ID as well as generate a new client secret. Make sure you save it! Many systems do not allow you see the secret after it is first generated!
Configure cbSSO Module Settings
This can be configured in either your ColdBox.cfc or in config/modules/cbSSO.cfc
Now that our app is registered with GitHub and our client credentials have been configured in our module settings, we must handle the event. This is done through an interception point.
public void function CBSSOAuthorization( event, data ){
// the provider that was used for SSO
var provider = data.provider;
// an instance of ISSOAuthorizationResponse that contains our data
var ssoAuthorizationResponse = data.ssoAuthorizationResponse;
if( !ssoAuthorizationResponse.wasSuccessful() ){
logger.error( "Failed SSO workflow: #ssoAuthorizationResponse.getErrorMessage()#" );
relocate( "/login" );
var user = UserService.findByEmail( ssoAuthorizationResponse.getEmail() );
// check if we have a user record for this person already
if( isNull( user ) ){
user =;
user.setEmail( ssoAuthorizationResponse.getEmail() );
user.setFirstName( ssoAuthorizationResponse.getFirstName() );
user.setLastName( ssoAuthorizationResponse.getLastName() );;
// log them in - YAY SSO!
relocate( "/dashboard" );
Render SSO Options to User
The final step is to prevent our SSO options to a user.
<!-- in views/login.cfm -->
providerOptions = getInstance( "ProviderService@cbsso" ).getProviderOptions();
<form action="/login">
<input name="username" type="text" />
<input name="password" type="password" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<p>-- or --</p>
<!-- Loop through our providers and use the provided URL to start SSO -->
<cfloop array="#providerOptions#" index="option" />
<a class="link-button" href="#option.url#">Continue with</a>